ICP-ACC - ICAgile Certified Professional in Agile Coaching - training in Prague on 18-19 September 2024

Date: 18-19 September 2024

Duration: 2 days

Early bird price: 23 000 CZK plus VAT (21%) valid until  30 days before the start of the training

Regular price: 28 000 CZK plus VAT (21%) otherwise

Place: Prague, Czech Republic

Language: English

Training is delivered by John Barratt accredited ICAgile trainers.

LeSS - Certified Large-Scale Scrum Practitioner training back in Prague on 17-19 October 2023

Are you working in a Scrum environment and are you interested in how to introduce Scrum to multiple teams? Do you want to know more about organizational change, lean, system thinking, and advanced practices?

Join Jurgen De Smet, certified LeSS trainer, for his LeSS - Certified Large-Scale Scrum Practitioner training on 17-19 October 2023 in Prague. In this 3 days class, you will learn a lot about Scrum, scaling, lean thinking, systems thinking, product ownership, Huge Scrum, and many more. Training is in English, in person, and you can register here.

Training is confirmed!

Reference - T-Mobile

Full training and supervision on transition to Scrum process - courses, workshops, coaching, consultancy.

Management team training, set up the right expectations from agile adoption process and Scrum implementation. Starting a pilot team by initial training and then continue with regular team, Scrum Master and Productowner coaching sessions  on Sprint basis). After initial period, starting the next five teams (training, initial workshops and coaching).

Additioanal workshops focused on Scrum Masters and Product Owners development.


"Mediation Shared Services supports local operators of Deutsche Telekom AG by billing mediation system. Zuzana as a consultant supports MSS's transition from the traditional waterfall approach to Scrum.
The implementation of the main Srum principles - self-managed teams, incremental development through regular sprints, and prevention of multitasking - helped substantially to cut costs, shorten time to market and made changes to agreed SW development plans of our department much more easier."

Miroslav Knittel, iBMD Quality Manager, T-Mobile