ICP-ACC - ICAgile Certified Professional in Agile Coaching - training in Prague on 18-19 September 2024

Date: 18-19 September 2024

Duration: 2 days

Early bird price: 23 000 CZK plus VAT (21%) valid until  30 days before the start of the training

Regular price: 28 000 CZK plus VAT (21%) otherwise

Place: Prague, Czech Republic

Language: English

Training is delivered by John Barratt accredited ICAgile trainers.

LeSS - Certified Large-Scale Scrum Practitioner training back in Prague on 17-19 October 2023

Are you working in a Scrum environment and are you interested in how to introduce Scrum to multiple teams? Do you want to know more about organizational change, lean, system thinking, and advanced practices?

Join Jurgen De Smet, certified LeSS trainer, for his LeSS - Certified Large-Scale Scrum Practitioner training on 17-19 October 2023 in Prague. In this 3 days class, you will learn a lot about Scrum, scaling, lean thinking, systems thinking, product ownership, Huge Scrum, and many more. Training is in English, in person, and you can register here.

Training is confirmed!

Business Value Game

The goal of this game is to

  • experience the complexity of the business value in a simpler environment,
  • practice prioritization of the Backlog based on many factors, 
  • learn when is it a good idea to invest in technical improvements
  • see that business knowledge is required.

The Game Contains

  • PDF with cards with Clients, Requests, and Stories ready to be printed at A6 or index cards of size 4.1 x 5.8 inches, 
  • General instructions,
  • Workbook pages to distribute to the team or make them part of the workbook.

License and Credit

This game was updated with different pictures, texts, and event cards with the intention to improve the learning of the participants by Zuzi Sochova.

The game builds on top of the Business Value Game created by Vera Peeters and Pascal Van Cauwenberghe. Thanks for the inspiration :)

It is licensed under the same license as the original game.

Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Belgium License.