ICP-ACC - ICAgile Certified Professional in Agile Coaching - training in Prague on 18-19 September 2024

Date: 18-19 September 2024

Duration: 2 days

Early bird price: 23 000 CZK plus VAT (21%) valid until  30 days before the start of the training

Regular price: 28 000 CZK plus VAT (21%) otherwise

Place: Prague, Czech Republic

Language: English

Training is delivered by John Barratt accredited ICAgile trainers.

LeSS - Certified Large-Scale Scrum Practitioner training back in Prague on 17-19 October 2023

Are you working in a Scrum environment and are you interested in how to introduce Scrum to multiple teams? Do you want to know more about organizational change, lean, system thinking, and advanced practices?

Join Jurgen De Smet, certified LeSS trainer, for his LeSS - Certified Large-Scale Scrum Practitioner training on 17-19 October 2023 in Prague. In this 3 days class, you will learn a lot about Scrum, scaling, lean thinking, systems thinking, product ownership, Huge Scrum, and many more. Training is in English, in person, and you can register here.

Training is confirmed!

Certified Org Topologies Practitioner, Level 1 (COTP-1) - Training in Prague on 14-15 September 2023

Date: 14-15 September 2023

Duration: 2 days

Early bird price: 23 000 CZK plus VAT (21%) valid until  30 days before the start of the training

Regular price: 28 000 CZK plus VAT (21%) otherwise

Place: Prague, Czech Republic

Language: English

Training is delivered by Alexey Krivitsky, CST and Roland Flemm, PST.

Course description

This two-day practical class is designed for executives, managers, consultants - all the influencers within organizations who are excited and challenged about creating sustainable agility at the whole-company level and solving existing problems with scaling agility beyond the team-level and framework.

Designing for agility with OrgTopologies

A framework-agnostic approach for creating innovative, resilient and adaptive large-scale product development organizations.

Introduction: Organizational Topologies

Some say: "Agile is dead!" Is it? Or has it been downgraded to mean team-level agility? Today’s solutions create tomorrow’s problems. By focusing on team-level agility, organizations have created the need for scaling. Scaling is a problem. It is not a solution. It is a self-inflicted issue caused by a lack of system thinking.

Others say: "Business agility is the new path!" But is there "another agility"? Hasn't agility always been for the benefit of everyone: developers, customers, and managers? For the whole business? The fact that we need something like business agility is a symptom of failure.

At Org Topologies, we don’t believe that agile is dead or that business agility is the new focus.

We believe there is a need to revive the agile revolution: Ride the second wave of Agile! We must focus on both in-team and inter- team collaboration. We need to embrace value-creating ecosystems by looking from the outside in, organizing around value, and creating strong cohesion with teams of teams.

About the event

During this course, participants will practice advanced thinking for organizational design and will apply Org Topologies to better understand organizational design dynamics. After completion of this two day course, participants will be able to assess their organizational design and understand the consequences and deviations of implementation choices. This will allow them to create an improved target operating model and a controlled path towards that end state.

Organizational maps will allow participants to discuss transformations using a common language to reflect on your challenges. Org Topologies will enable participants to own and master their path toward higher states of adaptability, starting from wherever you are now and towards whatever level of agility your organization requires. Participants will learn about the limitations of investing in improving teams and how organizations can be simplified by organizing around customer value.


The target audience for this training are the influencers who create sustainable agility at the whole-company level and solve existing problems with scaling agility beyond team-level and frameworks. In concrete:

  • Managers
  • Transformation Officers
  • Agile coaches
  • Consultants

Course overview

This course covers the why, what and how of applying Org Topologies for creating adaptive organizations.

Day One - “Assessing Agility”:

  • Seven archetypes of org design for product development
  • Two key org design drivers that determine organizational maturity
  • Six key paradigm shifts for transformation
  • Assessing org design with Org Topologies Scans Assessing existing scaling frameworks with Org Topologies
  • Understanding the qualities of high-level org archetypes

Day Two - “Designing for Agility”

  • Four personal transformation journeys of CEO, Product Manager, Engineering Managers, Teams
  • Discovering the product gap
  • Designing high-level archetypes and practices to create and sustain them
  • Sketching & improving org design options with Org Design Studio
  • Participants discover options for improving org design of their organizations

Course Format

This course is a two-days physical class. Teaching of theoretical blocks are mixed with exercises based on real life transformation cases. Expect to be challenged to engage in deep thinking and actively participate in analysis and creating organizational design.

The language of the training is English.

Course material is in English.

Attendees will receive an electronic copy of the course materials.

Classes are limited to hold maximum 20 participants.

The body of knowledge this class is based upon is derived from Org Topologies

The trainers of this class are Roland Flemm - a Professional Scrum Trainer (PST) with scrum.org and Alexey Krivitsky - a Certified Scrum Trainer with scrumalliance.org. Both trainers have been actively consulting in the field of business agility and large-scale product development.