ICP-ACC - ICAgile Certified Professional in Agile Coaching - training in Prague on 18-19 September 2024

Date: 18-19 September 2024

Duration: 2 days

Early bird price: 23 000 CZK plus VAT (21%) valid until  30 days before the start of the training

Regular price: 28 000 CZK plus VAT (21%) otherwise

Place: Prague, Czech Republic

Language: English

Training is delivered by John Barratt accredited ICAgile trainers.

LeSS - Certified Large-Scale Scrum Practitioner training back in Prague on 17-19 October 2023

Are you working in a Scrum environment and are you interested in how to introduce Scrum to multiple teams? Do you want to know more about organizational change, lean, system thinking, and advanced practices?

Join Jurgen De Smet, certified LeSS trainer, for his LeSS - Certified Large-Scale Scrum Practitioner training on 17-19 October 2023 in Prague. In this 3 days class, you will learn a lot about Scrum, scaling, lean thinking, systems thinking, product ownership, Huge Scrum, and many more. Training is in English, in person, and you can register here.

Training is confirmed!

AdvanScrum class with Danko Kovatch in Prague

Danko Kovatch, Certified Scrum Trainer, is coming to Prague to deliver interesting workshop AdvanScrum. See details below.


Although Scrum has become the most popular framework for Agile development, many individuals and companies practicing Scrum find themselves lacking in real understanding on how to operate in Scrum, how to instill and maintain the needed mind set and, no less important, how to make sure it will "stick".   

AdvanScrum is derived from Scrum, but is focused on tested and practical tools, techniques and solutions. 

AdvanScrum is based on empirical collective experience and best practices, collected and perfected in dozens of successful implementations. It can be applied immediately in your day to day work.

Date: 18-19 May, 2015
Location: Prague, Czech Republic 

See more details here.


Day 1:
- The history of Project Management
      - Taylorism
      - Fordism
      - PMI
      - Lean 
      - Agile
- Lean
      - The 14 principles
      - Peter Drucker
      - 8 Types of waste
- Agile
      - Agile Manifesto
      - The 12 principles
- Scrum
      - Roles & Responsibilities 
             - Scrum team
             - Scrum master
             - Product Owner
      - Artifacts
      - Ceremonies 
             - Daily meeting
             - Review
             - Retrospective
             - Planning
      - What is missing in Scrum?
      - Advantages and disadvantages 
- AdvanScrum
      - The vision of the framework
      - People
              - The team
              - The Manager of the team
              - The mission manager
      - Project
              - The iteration
              - The PSP 
              - The bank of targets
              - Project initiation
      - The mind set
              - The guru
              - Become a change agent
              - Creating a change
              - Tools and techniques how to make sure it sticks
      - Visibility charts
      - Meetings
      - Indicators (KPI's)
      - Negotiation techniques
      - Persuasion techniques
      - The new motivation mind set (AMP)
      - Preparation and implementation of AdvanScrum in your company
      - Personal AdvanScrum - How to implement it at your home, school, diet, getting in shape and more
      - The differences between Scrum and AdvanScrum
              - Why there is no need for a Scrum master any more?
              - How come the Scrum team needs a manager?
              - What is wrong with the good old back log?
              - Why did we shift to Targets bank?
      - Advantages and Disadvantages

Day 2: (The drill down day)
- Visibility charts
      - People
              - Targets bank
              - Bernard (BDC)
              - Menu
              - Challenge board
              - Waste board
              - Team rules
              - BALAGAN
              - KPI board
              - Medal board
              - Visual chart
              - Jigsaw chart
              - Control chart
              - Task Board
      - Project
              - Control chart
              - Task board
              - Bernard
              - Project's board
              - Targets bank
              - KPI's chart
              - Future Scrum Stock Exchange
              - Jigsaw chart
              - Architectural chart 
      - Mind set
              - Social network board
              - Battle field
              - Task Board
- Meetings
      - People
              - Planning
              - Pre-planning
              - Rapid planning
              - Blitz planning
              - Sync (daily) meeting
              - Retrospective
              - Kaizen
              - Futurespective
              - Non Agenda Meeting   
              - Vipasana meeting
              - Gemba
              - Team signature
              - Sniffing era
              - Fedex meeting
              - Future scenarios
      - Project
              - Sync (Daily) meeting
              - Weekly
              - Monthly
              - Panoramic review
              - Discovery review
              - Future scenarios
              - Futurespective
              - Jogging
              - End of the job meeting
      - Mind set
              - How and when to perform a forum
              - Facilitation techniques
              - Six thinking hats of De-Bono
              - The ducks of Danko
              - Managers forum
              - Mission managers forum
- KPI's
      - Choosing the right KPI's
      - How to measure the KPI's
      - Technical KPI's   
      - Soft KPI's

See more details here.