Školení CSM a CSPO prezenčně v Bratislavě - duben 2025
Na začátku dubna 2025 poběží v Bratislavě školení CSM a CSPO, které povedu a budou v češtině a v prezenční formě.
Registrujte se na CSM - Certified Scrummaster školení v termínu 8. - 9. 4. 2025 a CSPO - Certified Scrum Product Owner školení v termínu 10. - 11. 4. 2025.
celý článekŠkolení CSM a CSPO prezenčně v Praze - březen 2025
Na začátku března 2025 poběží v Praze školení CSM a CSPO, které povedu a budou v češtině a v prezenční formě.
Registrujte se na CSM - Certified Scrummaster školení v termínu 4. - 5. 3. 2025 a CSPO - Certified Scrum Product Owner školení v termínu 6. - 7. 3. 2025.
celý článekAdvanced ScrumMaster (A-CSM) a Advanced Product Owner (A-CSPO) prezenčně v Praze v listopadu 2024
Advanced Certified ScrumMaster (A-CSM) a Advanced Certified Scrum Product Owner (A-CSPO) školení poběží prezenčně v Praze v listopadu 2024 a v češtině. Konkrétně A-CSM ve dnech 25.-26. 11. 2024 a A-CSPO ve dnech 27.-28. 11. 2024.
Do konce října možnost přihlášení za zvýhodněnou cenu. Těším se na vaši účast.
celý článekAgilní Coaching a Facilitace: Certifikace ICAgile
The ICP-ATF focuses primarily on the mindset and role of an agile team facilitator, while also providing group facilitation tools and techniques for effectively designing meetings and workshops that both engage the entire audience and drive towards agreed-upon outcomes. Through obtaining this certification, course participants will develop an appreciation for the art of facilitation as key to fostering collaboration and enabling self-organizing teams. In addition, participants will build their facilitator toolkits and gain experience facilitating specific agile practices most relevant to their organizational context.
Operating at the team facilitation step, agile coaches learn the core skills of facilitation and gain the self-leadership needed to use them well. For those working with teams on-the-ground, facilitation skills are the first step because they pave the way for teams to achieve true empowerment, collaboration, and ownership of their actions and decisions. In this way, facilitation skills help the vision of agile-done-well come true.
This step is important for coaches operating at any level of an organization or scope of influence, whether that is with one team, a group of teams, an executive team, or a whole organization. Further, the skills learned at this step may also provide value for learners in other disciplines, such as product ownership, technical leadership, or delivery management. Finally, although it is the first step in this development progression, it is not “for beginners only.”
The ICAgile Certified Professional - Agile Team Facilitation (ICP-ATF) provides a deep dive into the world of facilitation when working with remote teams as well as when in person. This course is not for beginners and is the most challenging course you are ever likely to do.
Find the currently scheduled classes here.
20 000 CZK excl. VAT
4 half-day course
Trainers: Rickard Jones, John Barratt
The ICP-ACC focuses primarily on the mindset, roles, and responsibilities of an Agile Coach. After finishing the certification, the learner will be able to differentiate between and among mentoring, facilitating, professional coaching and teaching, and will also gain the skills needed to create a safe environment for meaningful collaboration and healthy conflict resolution within an agile team. This certification introduces participants to foundational team coaching skills and team development concepts for starting and growing teams while focusing on teams and organizations as human systems. A key part of this certification focuses on developing an understanding of the professional coaching skillset and the value of honing these skills to serve individuals on an agile team.
At the Agile Coaching step, the coach has an expert-level understanding of current lean & agile practices; is significantly skilled in team facilitation; and has developed some professional coaching and mentoring skill. Coaches with these skills are likely operating at a scope of several teams or a program, starting new teams, mentoring others, or spending significant time working with managers and engaging with impediments outside the direct control of teams.
The ICP-ACC course provides a deep dive into the world of Agile Coaching. The course focuses on equipping you with new tools, techniques and skills to be the best you can be.
Find the currently scheduled classes here.
23 000 CZK excl. VAT
4 half-day course
Trainers: Rickard Jones, John Barratt
The ICP-CAT is part of the Enterprise Coaching for Agility Track. This certification focuses on the field of Enterprise Coaching for Agility, explores the core elements of an agile transformation, and links the core enterprise coaching competencies in a way that empowers coaches to act as agents of change in organizations.
Coaches operating at this enterprise coaching step (which is addressed in another ICAgile track called Enterprise Agile Coaching) have developed advanced systems coaching, organizational development, culture, change management, and leadership skills and uses those skills to affect organizations at large. An Enterprise Agile Coach works at all levels in an organization to help the organization use agile as a strategic asset for business value generation, which often includes culture change.
The ICAgile Certified Professional - Coaching Agile Transitions course provides a deep dive into the world of enterprise agile coaching.
Find the currently scheduled classes here.
23 000 CZK excl. VAT
3 half-days course
Trainers: Rickard Jones, John Barratt
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